One of the cheapest spots in the world for scuba certification, both PADI and NAUI, Taganga has so many dive shops that the prices and services offered by each are pretty competitive. A four- to six-day certification course costs about COP$650,000 and often includes basic accommodation, English- or Spanish-speaking dive masters, and six dives (four open water, two pool). Quality-focused Aquantis Dive Center (5 421 9344, aquantisdivecenter.com) offers the best service in town, with the highest standard of professional instruction and a great awareness of the needs of both new and experienced divers. If you decide to opt for one of the other schools, don’t just be tempted by cheap deals: check their PADI or NAUI accreditation, your instructor’s credentials, the instructor-to-student ratio, and ensure that equipment is well maintained.

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